Thursday, February 24, 2011

Towing and Testosterone

We all have heard of that book, "Women are from Venus, Men from Mars" or is it "Men are from Venus, Women from Mars"? I don't know because I've never read it, nor do I care to.  But the fact remains, we are different.  Recently we had a speaker at my church compare women's brains to spaghetti noodles...our thoughts are all intermingled and going every which way and interconnected; men's are compartmentalised boxes...only able to pull out 1 box at a time.  Today I was reminded of this as I watched a tow truck attempt to get our F150 from our driveway.  It was quite horrible and humorous to watch all at the same time.  I cringed and clapped all along the way. 

The men, after watching them completely farm my yard just to GET to the truck, were having a hard time figuring out how to actually attach our truck to tow.  The angle was funny to say the least, the weather conditions awful and after several failed attempts and seeing the back tires of the tow truck completely rip out a huge section of my yard, I yelled something out the window thinking it might be of some help and watched as the tow truck driver answered me back while flexing his muscles.  REALLY TOW TRUCK DRIVER?  You think I'm IMPRESSED?  Well, I must say, by the end of it all, I WAS impressed.  He DID somehow get that truck which seemed impossible to get.  (by wrapping a chain around my elm tree, I might add).  Sure, my yard has tire grooves now as deep as my chin...but who am I to lecture as I stood at the window watching while sipping some hot cocoa?  Actually I stood WINCING, but I digress.

Which brings me to my next topic.  What is it w/ men and their "toys"?  Little girls love to play with toys. Then, when they reach the age of 11 or 12, they lose interest. Men never outgrow their obsession with toys. As they grow older, their toys simply become more expensive and impractical. Examples of men's toys: anything that blinks, beeps, and requires at least six "D" batteries to operate or anything that requires head gear, ear plugs, or big tires.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to "man bash"...just merely stating the facts and that today, while I sip my hot cocoa,  find it all quite funny.  

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