Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ghana on the Mind: Updates and Reflections

Wendy w/ 6 mo old Kadiri before they embark to Kumasi
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A lengthy email from my sister this morning has me very mindful of all that is going on over there.  When you are as close as we are, it is hard to "cut off" or separate myself from them.  Not that I would want to...but I am sure people are tired of hearing about all the drama.  You'd think someone like me, who tends to be a "drama queen" would find it all quite exciting in a twisted kind of way...but I find it exhausting! And I'm not even there to "live" it first hand...even now I'm typing this on my laptop while lying on my pillowtop mattress and all I can think about is, "Wonder what they're doing RIGHT NOW..."  Hmph...come to think of it, every time I look at the clock I'm calculating what time it is there and what they are probably doing...I never did that before my trip b/c I had no clue...but now, I can actually visualise it in my head.

I can see them in their flipflops, their feet stained red from the dirt.  The kids all have sweaty hair and are squinting from the sun when they look up at you...Wendy is walking briskly like she always does, a girl on a mission, taking advantage of every minute of the day.  I can see Sukanya lolly-gaggin' behind the rest of the group.  I can picture the narrow dirt trail to the chicken farm, the dirt path to the orphanage; the main street of Nalerigu has 2 buses that look like they are 70 years old.  Each bus is overflowing with people...1 bus has several men sitting on top, squeezed in with the luggage piled another 10 feet high.  Another bus is coming down the street and rather then men sitting on top, I see 3 goats trying to keep steady while the bus bumps along its way. The pigs and goats are wondering between mud huts. Manassah, on his bicycle, is holding up several cartons of eggs with one hand as he takes them to the "store" to be sold off the street.  Greg pulls out a tiny notebook from his shirt pocket to write down how many eggs the chickens laid that day.  Today is a good day...they have laid over 100.  The BMC "holding area" is full of sick people, young and old, many of them having traveled miles and miles...and now they wait.  The nutritional feeding center is a buzz of activity as the young mothers (or grandmothers) tend to the infants.  When I walk by they are all sitting on mats, their babies lying or sitting next to them.  When I approach, the babies scream but the mothers don't seem to mind.  However, out of respect for the baby I keep my distance even though every part of me wants to scoop them into my arms.  The women all smile at me, some wave.

Today I can see the half naked children at the orphange...most of them are running down to the truck before we even have time to get out.  Their excited giggles fill up the big open African sky.  Some of them are sick...Falilah is getting over measles, Sampson has not been well, and Atu is also getting over a virus.  Wendy finds out that 2 of them have missed 2 days of school because their shoes were broken and is frustrated that no one contacted her to inform her.  She realizes it is time to get these children some NEW underwear, new shoes, new shirts, new shorts...they have so little and the little they have is covered with holes and stains.  She asks a volunteer who will be going to Togo if they would be willing to pick up some new things for the children.  Once again, she prays for God to "fill up" their cup as she hands over another stash of money.

Back at the BMC, Wendy and Greg have been helping 3 Muslim families.  The first child, Kadiri, came to the hospital months ago and had a horrible condition that "ate away" his nose/mouth.  They have sent this mother/child on several big trips to larger cities, hoping for a miracle.  Today Wendy told me they have paid for them to return once again to the capital, Accra, where the child needs more plastic surgery.  The 2nd child, Miriama, is 5 years old and she has an enlarged heart...Wendy said it is 3 times the normal size...her breathing was labored and she weighed in at 16 lbs.  Greg and Wendy bought her and her relative bus tickets to Kumasi to have an EKG/CAT...but Wendy doesn't even know if she is a candidate for surgery.  The 3rd child's name, also Kadiri (pronouned KAH-DREE) is 6 months old and has a hole in his heart.  Clement got to see this adorable baby boy the morning he arrived in Nalerigu.  They have much in common, and it seemed as if Clement, although only 2 1/2 years old, had empathy.  Greg and Wendy bought bus tickets and sent this child to Kumasi as well.  You see, Kumasi is the closest place to get an EKG.  Wendy said it is a very old machine and sometimes it doesn't work.  By the way, Kumasi is a miserable full day's ride that even the strongest of stomachs has a hard time handling...let alone a child who is dying.  Clement made this journey many times in the past 2 years.  You have to understand that when they send these sick children/adults, they not only pay for their bus fare, but meals, lodging, and look after the family members who are left behind.  They make everyone bring back receipts of every purchase and hold them accountable.  But its constant.  Somehow God continues to supply their needs and all we can figure out is that people are being moved to support them and are OBEYING.  So on their behalf, THANK YOU. 

Wendy has asked specific prayer over the chickens who have slowed down egg production.  The other day they only laid 29 eggs.  These eggs are so very important for the children at the orphanage.  They sell the eggs which pays for their schooling, their food, and their every day needs.  29 eggs will not do this.  Please pray.  Of course they are still learning and make adjustments to the chickens food, etc...but have been at a loss as to why production is down. 

Pray over missionaries.  They are humans, just like us.  They get tired.  They get discouraged.  They get angry.  They get lonely. They get scared.  They get sad.  They get excited, hopeful, and surprised.  Don't forget about them.  Support their work prayerfully and financially.  Have a "world view" vision.  It's not all about us.  Skip that McDonald's lunch w/ the kids and put $10 in an envelope and give it to missions the next time you're at church.  Look at all the ways God could use could send a child w/ a sick heart to a hospital, it could buy 3 pairs of shoes for children who need to stay in school, it could donate a crate of eggs to the Nutritional Feeding Center...Share this vision with me, I beg you!  It's time to RE-PRIORITIZE...starting with ME.  God didn't take me half way around the world for nothin' know I"m talking to MYSELF as much as I'm talking to you.

Thank you for reading this today...and for "seeing" just another typical day in Nalerigu, Ghana.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Towing and Testosterone

We all have heard of that book, "Women are from Venus, Men from Mars" or is it "Men are from Venus, Women from Mars"? I don't know because I've never read it, nor do I care to.  But the fact remains, we are different.  Recently we had a speaker at my church compare women's brains to spaghetti noodles...our thoughts are all intermingled and going every which way and interconnected; men's are compartmentalised boxes...only able to pull out 1 box at a time.  Today I was reminded of this as I watched a tow truck attempt to get our F150 from our driveway.  It was quite horrible and humorous to watch all at the same time.  I cringed and clapped all along the way. 

The men, after watching them completely farm my yard just to GET to the truck, were having a hard time figuring out how to actually attach our truck to tow.  The angle was funny to say the least, the weather conditions awful and after several failed attempts and seeing the back tires of the tow truck completely rip out a huge section of my yard, I yelled something out the window thinking it might be of some help and watched as the tow truck driver answered me back while flexing his muscles.  REALLY TOW TRUCK DRIVER?  You think I'm IMPRESSED?  Well, I must say, by the end of it all, I WAS impressed.  He DID somehow get that truck which seemed impossible to get.  (by wrapping a chain around my elm tree, I might add).  Sure, my yard has tire grooves now as deep as my chin...but who am I to lecture as I stood at the window watching while sipping some hot cocoa?  Actually I stood WINCING, but I digress.

Which brings me to my next topic.  What is it w/ men and their "toys"?  Little girls love to play with toys. Then, when they reach the age of 11 or 12, they lose interest. Men never outgrow their obsession with toys. As they grow older, their toys simply become more expensive and impractical. Examples of men's toys: anything that blinks, beeps, and requires at least six "D" batteries to operate or anything that requires head gear, ear plugs, or big tires.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to "man bash"...just merely stating the facts and that today, while I sip my hot cocoa,  find it all quite funny.  

Monday, February 21, 2011


When I was young, I had a favorite movie. "Pee-Wee's Big Adventure".  Oh, Come ON.  You've NEVER seen it?  Or were you like me and watched it hundreds and hundreds of times, so much that you could recite every line?  My sister and I would watch it together and in our best Pee Wee voice say, "I know you are but what am I?"  One of my favorite characters by far was LARGE MARGE.  Do you remember her?  I can still picture her in the semi-truck, gray hair pulled back, scowl on her face as she said, "It was a night just like tonight..."  Wendy and I would sit on the edge of our sofa, bowl of popcorn half eaten, anticipating what was about to transpire..."and as they pulled the body from the burning wreckage, it looked like this!" BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  We'd fight for the remote control so we could rewind it and we'd watch it all over again.  and again. and again.   After it had been out on video for a while, we had gotten a new remote control that had the setting of my dreams:  SLOW MOTION.  As soon as I discovered that, I knew EXACTLY which movie to test it out on.  So then we'd watch Large Marge in slo-mo and would laugh so hard our stomach would be sore the next morning. 

Oh that life had a "rewind" button.  And even better, a "Slow Motion" option.  I've had some not so good moments this past week where I just want to press REWIND so I can "fix" it.  One moment in particular happened just a few days ago.  The night before had been spent in tearful prayer...a special time of me talking to God...asking Him to help me seize every opportunity to share Him with people.  Not in an obnoxious "in your face" kind of way, but just in my daily interactions, making people feel loved, showing I care.  That night I went to bed around 1am and at 5am my daughter wakes up, bright eyed and bushy tailed.  By 10am both she and Sam Watson were ready for naps and quite frankly, so was their momma!  They rarely nap at the same time so this was an opportunity I was ready to seize.  Sam went down first and then it was Charlee's turn.  I snuggled next to her and scratched her back as I read her 2 favorite books.  By the end of the 1st book, she was already breathing deeply and I was just begining to sneak out of her room when all of a sudden, Harry, our Golden Retriever, started barking his head off.  Charlee shot up out of bed, totally freaked out, Sam started stirring, and I was quite annoyed.  I ran out to find 2 women at my front door...Jehovah's Witness.  I quieted Harry down, opened the door, and before either of them could get 1 word in said, "This is a terrible time! I'm trying to get my kids down for'll have to come back another time." I barely gave them a chance to respond before I rather rudely shut the door in their faces and quickly went back into Charlee's room since she was crying.  After getting her calmed down, I walked out of her room and froze in my tracks.  I was staring at the front door and it hit me.  Like a full fist right to the heart.  The most horrible, heavy weight on my shoulders.  CONVICTION.  All I could see were the eyes of Jesus and HE LOOKED SO DISAPPOINTED IN ME.  I fell into a chair and SOBBED.  I emailed a friend and asked her to pray that God would send those women back.  I begged God for a 2nd chance.  I pleaded for His forgiveness.  And then for the next 2 hours was online researching Jehovah's Witness and what they believe.  Even later that night, when Jim got home, as I was telling him about it I was still crying.  He tried making me feel better at first, telling me that anyone would have been annoyed, etc...but when I told him how I felt so CONVICTED...that I knew I had completely FAILED...he just held me and told me that if God so chose, those women could show up tomorrow.  Well, if they do, I'll have a pot of coffee on for them!  They'll freak out because I'll probably do cartwheels all the way to their car 'cuz I'll be so excited to see them.  SIGH.  Can I press REWIND?  It hasn't taken long for me to discover how STUPID I am.  From family tiffs to forgetfulness...LORD!  Why in the world do you love me? 

On the flip side of things...BOY do I wish for SLO-MO.  Sam Watson turning one just about did my heart in.  Hugging my mom in the rain when I first saw her on Saturday...I feel we LIVED something that only our hearts can truly "get".   I would look at her from across the room and knew exactly what she was thinking.  SIGH.

Thank GOD His mercies are new every morning.  Cuz tomorrow, when I get up, I can do so knowing it will be another GREAT day.  After all, I have a dentist appt tomorrow!  I can't wait!!!  I am one of those freaks out there who absolutely LOVES a teeth cleaning.  And who knows?  Maybe the JW gals will stop by in the afternoon and we can have a nice chat!  And I can apologize to them for my rudeness.  But if least my teeth will be clean! 

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Dear Sam Watson,

You're almost here!  Super Mom is ready!

We were so excited!

Charlotte checks out her new brother for the first time


The day you were born, 1 year ago TODAY, the doctor lifted you high in the air and said, "It's a BOY!" I laughed hysterically and could hear you screaming, making your arrival known to everyone else in the hospital.   Your Daddy said you looked just like Great Grandpa Bud...but don't worry...he said that about your sister, too!  When they finally put you in my arms I was a bit worried...I was used to having a little GIRL.  And from that first moment, I KNEW you were going to PLOW your way through life.  And boy, have you! 

You are my "ZING"! My "ZAP!" My "Kuh-CHOW!" While your sister is a ray of sunbeam on a warm spring day, you are the thunder and lightening on a summer's eve.  While she is a colorful wildflower bending in the breeze, you are the honey bee zipping around enjoying the sun on your wings.  Charlee is a chocolate cupcake w/ sprinkles, but you are an extra-large slushi that gives me a brain freeze! Put you 2 together, and I've got everything I could ever hope for.

Today I want to remind you who you are named after.  Your father and I prayerfully picked out your name.  To us, names should MEAN something.  Which is why both you AND your sister are named after people we love, people who love God.  Your middle name, "Watson", comes from my Great Grandpa.  (Your GREAT GREAT) Nana D, Aunt DeeDee and I lived with him during a very sad time in my family.  He ADORED God, had the most beautiful whistle, bright blue eyes, and a heart of gold.  He also loved to go fishing and would have loved to take you out on his little boat.  Your first name, Samuel, comes from your Daddy's Uncle.  Uncle Sam is mischievous and playful! He is JOLLY, fills up a room w/ his personality, loves people, loyal to his family and God, but at the same time he is selfless and gentle spirited.  I cannot think of 2 better people to name you after.  Your name is of Hebrew origin, which of course has great meaning to us, and means "God heard." 

Right now as I am typing this, you are in your "roller skates".  (your excersaucer on wheels) Your blonde hair is sticking up right down the middle of your head as usual, and you have your favorite owl blanket in your hand, who we lovingly call 'Hoo Hoo'.  You have on your diaper, no pants, no socks, and a pajama shirt w/ a red train printed on the front.  That seems extremely appropriate because YOU, my son, ARE A LOCOMOTIVE!  As your momma, I have enjoyed the way you've 'chugged' through your first year.  You love life. You love people. You embrace change. You have no fear of strangers. You love to tease your sister. What a joy you are to me! I think I tell you every single day, "I LOVE bein' your momma!"  Our first year together. I just can't believe it. Oh were a PILL the first couple of months.  Do you know, dear son, that you made me break out in hives at the drop of a pen?  One day I called my were about 6 weeks old...and I was hyperventilating on the phone and said, "Doc! I'm in hives from head to toe because I can't find bread in the pantry! Do you do drugs for crazy lady syndrome???"  Since the day I had you, you have rocked my world.  But you know this already, yes?  After all, every night when I put you to bed I tell you, "You rock my world." Yesterday you FINALLY said my name.  I was walking upstairs with your sister, and left you behind just for a minute and you did NOT want us to leave without you.  You were looking up at us, crying and kept saying over and over, 'Momma! Momma!"  This momma could barely get to you fast enough! How many times have we been sitting on the floor together and you pull up on me and give me the biggest, most slobbery's the best thing EVER!

Your Daddy told me he thought you said his name a couple of days ago.  You are signing "all done" and "more" and get very vocal whenever you want me to know something.  You and your owl blanket are inseparable.  When you are tired, you feel around the edges of it until you locate the tag, then pull it in towards your face and stick your thumb in your mouth.  The other night I had the monitor on our nightstand and your Daddy and I heard this "squeaky" sound.  We couldn't figure out what it was...and then suddenly realized it was YOU sucking that thumb!  We were giggling at you.

You've started showing a HUGE interest in all kinds of balls.  Daddy was thrilled when I told him you tried climbing the stairs today to get to a baseball.

Your favorite activity as a 1 year old would have to be your excersaucer.  You are nothing short of HILARIOUS in it.  The second we put you in it you start to RUN.  I'm not kidding, you RUN and RAM into EVERYTHING.  If I'm cooking in the kitchen, I literally WEAR MY SNOW BOOTS BECAUSE OF YOU! If I don't, I'll get bruises and scrapes on my feet.  You laugh and think you are the coolest kid around.  We've had to discipline you quite a lot in it, actually.  Especially in your dealings w/ Harry.  For some reason, he always seems to be your favorite "target".  I always sing the song, "I gotta brand new pair of rollerskates" so that is why for your cake we did a rollerskate.  It completely sums you up, son.  You are a mover and shaker. I can already foresee God using you as a very POSITIVE influence in people's lives. You already do.  The other day I had to take you and your sister to Urgent Care.  Right next to the check in counter there was an elderly woman.  She was talking to Charlee, but Charlee was totally freaked out, her head burrowed into my legs.  But you literally LUNGED out of my arms to that I passed you off to her and YOU MADE HER DAY.  It was like you KNEW how badly she needed the company.  It was so sweet.  I hope you never change.  Always love people, no matter the age or them how Christ would.  But this is something that I think will come naturally to you. 

You currently have 6 teeth.  I love how your bottom 2 teeth are big enough now to notice when you smile.  Your as your Daddy's...WOW!  He's gotten a LOT of free food and extra customer service because of those eyes...and I think you are gonna be exactly the same.

I'm so very excited to see the little man you are going to become.  I pray for you every day...for you to find Jesus at a young age, for your protection, for your purity, for your future spouse, and for God to give me wisdom with you, my little wild man!  Thank you for the best and most challenging year yet as a momma.  You really do "Rock My World".

I love you deep/wide/everything between...Your Momma

Friday, February 18, 2011

I give in!

"Look at me! Look at me! Look at me now!
It is fun to have fun but you have to know how!" ~Cat in the Hat

Well, for those of you who have been on my case lately...I DID IT. I AM OFFICALLY ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE WHO BLOGS.

I'm not sure why I have "hee'd and haw'd" over this.  I LOVE to write.  I have always journaled, so this just makes sense to do.  I like how quickly I can "write" it all out.  So far so good.

But what really sealed the deal?  Yesterday a friend told me that I should put all of my stuff in ONE PLACE for MY KIDS.  I thought to cool would it have been to read my mom's journal when she was my age?  I would treasure it forever!  So...hello blog world.  It's nice to meet you.  Let's see if I actually have TIME to keep up w/ you.



I've always been a bit of a granola girl.  My favorite shoes are my Keens, I have a collection of rocks from various mountain tops, creek beds and rivers, my favorite smell is pine, camping out is my ideal vacation, and the second I see a mountain I wanna put on my hikin' shoes and begin to climb.  Some girls get thrills out of a new pair of heels or the designer jeans...but I get the most excitement from fresh air, organic smells, and nothing but a great big sky.

Today I was trying to decide what to do OUTSIDE..jog or hike?  We live on 14 acres...not a huge amount, but most of our land is wooded.  Jim worked very hard on cutting a trail for us to enjoy and it is one of my most favorite things to do.  It didn't take long for me to decide what I felt like doing. I felt part human/part wolf...the woods were calling my name and I could barely get out the door fast enough.

(The kids were both napping...actually, my entire family is sick except me!) So Harry and I were off...I don't know who was more excited.  The sun would be setting soon.  Although it wasn't yet dark, the moon was vivid and clear-it's journey already leading it high into the sky.

As I crossed the creek I could feel myself begin to relax as the trees welcomed me into their refuge.  We have a lot of cedar trees so hardly any snow has melted back in our woods.  In some places it reached up to my knee caps.  The snow, untouched and smooth, insulated the earth, hushing all sounds except that of my feet crunching beneath me and my breath as my heart rate rised.  Harry was using his nose to kind of 'shovel' the top layer of snow...and on occasion he would find a trail of some kind, his tail wagging; he would venture off just a bit but never had me out of his sight.  He's a good dog, my Harry.  We've had him 10 years now and are seeing his signs of aging.  But not now. Not here.  Being in our woods is like a fountain of youth for both he and I.  If I had a tail, it too, would be wagging. As we walked, I tried to notice every detail of this winter wonderland.  I heard no birds chirping, except for an owl way off in the distance.  And to my utter delight, heard another owl on the opposite side of the woods answering back.  Harry would hear them and freeze in his tracks, not moving a muscle as if to say, "Shhhhh! LISTEN!" to which I would stop and follow his lead.  Neither of us were disappointed in our discoveries.  A large tree trunk had bright green moss growing up out of the's carpet looked soft and velvety and I couldn't help but take my hand out of my pocket and feel it. I smiled at my foolishness of bending over and then sniffing it...but I couldn't help myself!  My nose had its mind made up and took a deep breath in, only to be a tad disappointed.  From fresh deer tracks to turkey feathers, our love for the fresh air made every bend in the path a new adventure; nature just begging us to come in and enjoy all she has to offer.  As we worked our way along the creek, I was delighted to see little raccoon tracks.  They have the cutest little feet! I was looking up in the tree tops hoping to catch a glimpse of my masked bandit friend, but had no such luck. The snow was well over the tops of my boots and it had nestled in around my feet...the sting on my toes made me feel alive and I had the sudden urge to run.  Not run for excercise, not run for any sense of urgency, but to run for run's sake.  To run because I can. To run just to run. So I did. Well, as best I could in knee deep snow! Harry was giddy and prancing and I was laughing at him as he almost knocked me over when all 90 lbs of him ungracefully zoomed past me.

At some point on the trek I noticed Harry intently eating something off the my camera and I made it over to where he was...only to discover...HE WAS EATING COYOTE SCAT.  Nice, Harry.  Oh well, I might as well take a picture anyway.  It's all part of the story, right?  We had such a delightful time, just me and my dog.  It was quiet.  Peaceful. Unhurried. Worshipful.  As I made my way back I looked up again to see a bright moon against an ever darkening night sky...the sun was now unseen beyond the horizon although it's light still gave life to the clouds.  My toes were begining to feel numb and I thought to myself, "What would my African friends think of all this snow!"  I delighted in telling all of them while I was there that one could set out a glass of water outside and it would turn to ice.  Their eyes would always reveal a look of surprise and astonishment.  I sighed as the heavy feeling of sadness started to weigh upon my spirit and I started to pray.  And praise. As I came out of the woods and into our field I looked up towards our home and was hit w/ the most amazing moment of grace and gratitude, of love without limits.  The light from the windows were like long outstretched arms, the front door like the entrance to my own heart.  My pace quickened as I got so very excited thinking about who was inside those warm walls.  When I walked up our porch stairs I heard the door open and the love of my life was waiting for me...and an almost 1 year old boy whose mouth was open wide in the best look of "YIPEE! My Momma's here!"

"Did you have fun?" Jim asked with a smile.  "Oh Yes!" I replied and started telling him about all our discoveries and was showing him the pictures I took. And there we were. The 2 of us...not doing anything spectacular...talking about my walk in the woods and he, genuinely excited for me...was attentive as I shared w/ him every detail...and with Sam Watson zipping around our feet and Charlee snoozing cozily in her bed, I looked at my man and fell in love all over again.

I love my fam!


Once again, I'm up and can't get Ghana off my mind.  No, let me re-phrase.  I can't get PEOPLE in Ghana off my mind.  I swear I left part of myself there.  It's so strange...I often feel like a foreigner here at HOME now.  I wasn't prepared for that.  When I say the culture shock is harder coming back than going, it really is true.  Any of you who have traveled to 3rd world countries know exactly what I am talking about.

What am I feeling tonight?  Sadness.  I'm just plain sad.  I'm sad for Abraham.  If you only knew how many times I think of him every day.  I pray earnestly over him.  (I am going to ask my mom to try and seek him out while she is in Accra.  Oh I so hope he will be there...I hope he is still alive!  And I pray that she can share Jesus w/ him!) This is the verse God has given me to pray over Abraham:

Psalm 22:24
For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one;he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help.

But my question is:  Is Abraham crying for help? Is he seeking God? This is the question that burns into my very being.  Oh God...I pray he recognizes his NEED for YOU!

I'm sad for the 17 children in that orphanage.  How can a mother abandon her child?  Most of their mothers live in the same village.  I just cannot wrap my brain around this.  It isn't coincidence that today I came across the following verse in Isaiah:

Isaiah 49:14-16
But Zion said, "The LORD has forsaken me, the Lord has forgotten me." "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast and have no compassion on the child she has borne? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands; your walls are ever before me."

Fakia, sad little Fakia, do you know this sweet girl?  Reliable, responsible Matthew...does this verse bring comfort to you as it does me? Ornery, cute these words make you break out into a huge smile like the Pop Rocks did? Cowboy, the same hands that your name is engraved upon can also wipe away your tears, dear one. Psalms 27 says,

9-10 You've always been right there for me;
      don't turn your back on me now.
   Don't throw me out, don't abandon me;
      you've always kept the door open.
   My father and mother walked out and left me,
      but God took me in.


I'm sad for Cowboy, whose home is abusive and he has no food to eat...and that he cries himself to sleep many a night.  And his story is one of many...the need is too great.  The suffering is almost too much to take.  It's just one crisis after another...

I'm sad for my Mom.  I cannot allow myself to visualize her hugging Carter, Aiden and Sukanya goodbye.  She will be leaving in about a week.  I'm already heavy hearted for her.  And those kids are going to be DEVASTATED.  THEY ADORE HER.  I can only imagine the sobbing that will occur after she leaves.  It's going to rip out her heart to say goodbye to the women she's been ministering to at the "Witches Outcast Camp".  She has told me in numerous emails how much she has fallen in love w/ these women.  I can feel her heart hurting all the way over here.  And I dare not visualize her hugging my sister goodbye.  Oh dear me.  My momma always has said, "misty, you love deep."  Well...who do you think I got that from?  We love deep, which means we also hurt deep.  It is how God created us.  It can be a wonderful thing but sometimes it can be a very painful thing.  So tonight my momma is on my mind as well.

On the flip side...MY HEART IS ALSO REJOICING! Clement is doing WONDERFULLY.  But tonight I was very VERY sad as the realization hit me that I don't know if/when i'll see Baba/Clement again.  I cannot even allow myself to think that way or it feels as if my heart will break in two.  Yes, I know I will for SURE see them in heaven some day...and I'd like to think that I will be able to visit Ghana again before God takes me home...but just let me be "human" and grieve a little, will ya?  Let's face it...who knows when that will be and I miss them!!!!  Oh how I miss that little boy!!!!!


And then there is my sister.  I've never NOT seen my sister "in action".  Remember when i said God made me to "love deep"?  Well, God made that girl to "act now".  The girl is love in action.  I swear she has a super hero cape w/ a Cross on it packed in her closet.  That woman knows how to 'GET IT DONE'.  But can I just say...the fresh set of tears pouring down onto my keyboard right now testify how deeply I miss her?  She is my best friend.  We've really LIVED LIFE together, you know? We were all we had...each other.  It was us girls.  Mom, sister, and I.  I'm so extremely proud of her; the woman of God she has become, the mother and wife she is,...she is everything I could and should hope to be as a child of God.  And there is no where she should be but where she is right at this moment...

but there is not here, and here is not there.

and I miss her.

a LOT.


I've also been disappointed in myself on more than one occasion.  I believe in my last note I asked God, "how can i PRACTICALLY APPLY what I've learned?"  Well, one of those ways is I want to be MORE INTENTIONAL in my relationships here.  I mean, literally, with every person I meet, think about how I can "spread the love".  Quite honestly, that was very easy for me to do in Ghana.  Every person I met, whether it was the cab driver or the lady who sat by me in the airport, I tried to really go out of my way to love them, show an interest in them, share the Gospel, etc.  Already I've been WAY under par in this area here at home.  Just the other night I went to an auction in Independence.  I sat next to an elderly man who was cute as can be.  He had pulled out a chair for me, had on a trucker's baseball cap, and his dentures were not in.  Although I can honestly say I was polite, that is as far as it went.  Now, had I been in Ghana and sat next to an old man like that, you can bet your buttons I would have been asking all about his family, his work, his life, and his relationship w/ a Creator who loves and adores him.  I drove all the way home begging God to forgive me!

On Sunday I walked into a room and didn't even take the time to acknowledge a very good friend of mine sitting in the corner all b/c I was "in a zone"...sure I was in a hurry to get down to the Children's Wing on time so i could lead the kids in music...but do you see what I'm saying?  I had neglected a relationship that only took 2 seconds to say "Hi".  I cannot help but say, 'DANG ME!"

So Misty, now that you've crawled into a deep dark hole and never want to come out again (can we say bi-polar?) how about you start placing your thoughts back on Who/where they should be?  Ok ok...I hear you God.  I don't want to stay stuck in my's see...I keep going back to Psalms 27.  I love how this chapter ENDS!

13 I remain confident of this:
   I will see the goodness of the LORD
   in the land of the living.
14 Wait for the LORD;
   be strong and take heart
   and wait for the LORD.

I love how it's written in the Message.  The words "wait for the Lord" are changed to "STAY WITH GOD."  oh how totally cool is that???  STAY WITH GOD.  I looked up Webster's Definition of the word "stay" and it says it is, "to take up residence with" or "to stand firm".  Yes, that is good stuff indeed.  Ok God.  I can now go to bed b/c I'm takin' up residence w/ You!  With You I will STAND FIRM.  Because of this, I AM NOT SHAKEN.  oh no.

Boy...I'm so thankful many of you have gone through this before, too or else I'd think I was CRAZY!!!  My friend prepared me that my "processing" would happen many times over months upon my return...but WOW.  I had no idea.  No one prepared me for this.  But how can you?  It's just something you have to experience.



ps:  Ok, I cannot help but add this little tid bit on.  So...I just went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and I looked in the mirror and seriously, I look like a character in a horror movie!  I have mascara smudged all around my eyes and down my face from crying.  LOL!!!!  I'm totally laughing at myself.  Darn, if it wasn't 1am I'd go dig around downstairs for our camera and take a picture of myself and post it for you.  Oh'll just have to take my word for it.  However, I better wash my face or else I'll scare my family in the morning.  HA!  Good night world!

This is the women (at the witch camp) standing in their courtyard.
Nana, Cowboy, and Lulu
My sister loves these children as her own. I think I captured a real "moment" here...can't you just feel the love when you look at this? They love her as much as she loves them.
A family picture at the airport


I have been lying here in bed for nearly 3 hours, unable to sleep.  I have a pit in my stomach that doesn't want to go away.  I don't look at this as a negative feeling...but rather view it as it is:  Me processing.  Let's face it, I've had lots to process over the last month.  I think now that I'm home I'm able to actually really CHEW on my experiences.  Digest it all.

So here I am.  Digesting.

All I can do is sit here and weep.  Weep for Abraham...who is probably right now sitting on a dirty street sidewalk dying.  Did the women I met nearby really follow through w/ their word and tell him more about Jesus?  If not, who will?  And does he have something that can be medically treated?  Does he have HIV?  The thought of him dying, nearly alone, no father and no mother..


And then there is Malick...the Muslim teacher, young, handsome, adorable...I think every girl in America would SWOON over him as I'm sure the young ladies in Nalerigu already do!  He teaches the Word of God at a Christian school and yet still believes that Jesus was just a prophet.  Yet God's Word says it is "sharper than any 2 edged sword" God, please pierce his heart w/ your Word!


17 beautiful children, fatherless but not motherless, yet abandoned.  I see all of their faces as I toss and turn and I pray over them.  That they will rise up as the next generation and LOVE YOU, Jesus.  That they will always have clothes to wear, food to eat, school to learn...


Manessah...18 years old, loves Jesus, ridiculed by his family for doing so yet willing to risk it all...a simple farmer with no desire to go to school, but yet was one who impacted me the MOST while I was there...


The Oustcast Camp...women falsely accused, left destitute, had to leave their very own children behind, grinding millet by hand as cockroaches crawl over their feet, making necklaces to try and support their daily needs, and SINGING AT THE TOP OF THEIR LUNGS TO THEIR MAKER.

Greg, Wendy, Nana, the the field right now.  Raising chickens, riding their bikes all over the village, doing the work day in and day out.  I feel as if I left part of me w/ them.


And sweet, ornery, feisty Clement.  He is up and walking now, did you know this?  While I was in Florida I read Acts 12 and it had Clement's name all over it.  You all know the story.  Paul in prison while a group of believers prayed over him in someones house.  While they were praying, Paul had a "visitor" (he thought he was dreaming) who loosened his chains and then led him past the guards, into the streets, past the city gate.  When Paul realizes he ISN"T dreaming he runs to the home where the believers are gathered and knocks on the door.  A young person answers and basically slams the door in his face, runs to where they were all gathered and says, "OMWORD! Paul is AT THE DOOR!" to which they all told her she was smokin' somethin' cuz there was no way on earth he was ACTUALLY there...but of course they discover he really WAS and I would LOVE to have heard the rejoicing that night!  Can you imagine???  Why do we put God in a box?  Here they were praying for that very thing, He did it, and they doubted.  We are one royal mess, us humans.  Anyway, I digress.  My point is that Clement is our little Paul.

When he gets back to Nalerigu I can see it unfold very much the same way.  He's gonna RUN by all the huts lickety zippety and some kid is gonna point and say, "Hey look! There's Clement!" to which all the adults around will say, "No no, you're seeing things...that isn't Clement cuz Clement can't run, silly." and then his little black legs are gonna run past again and the kid will say, "No no...look again, that really IS Clement!" and before you know the entire village of Nalerigu...and even gathering around Baba and Laadi asking how in the world this happened.  And what will they be able to do???  SHOUT the WONDERFUL name of JESUS!!!  Oh yes, Clement got a "new" heart...but so can YOU if you ask Him to!


Culture shock is much harder coming HOME than leaving it.  Just so you know.  I sit here and wonder how am I supposed to continue living as if I never even left?  What does God want me to do NOW?  How can I PRACTICALLY APPLY what I learned w/o selling all I own and live in a cardboard box? Cuz that's kinda what you feel like doing when you get back.  Get rid of it ALL and give all your money to Abraham, Baba, and Manessah, the BMC in Nalerigu, the orphanage.  I have to FIGHT the urge to not JUDGE anyone I see buying something they don't need...cuz all I can think about is how that money could buy a goat or a pair of shoes for an orphan.  Then there is the whole issue of wishing my children really KNEW how great they have it...(and knowing the only way to truly do so is to take them onto the field some day which we will most definitely do)  Today, I threw some clothes in the washer and felt GUILTY. Why has God chosen to bless ME? Why was I born in the US and not in Ghana?


Thank you God, for allowing me to QUESTION. Thank you for being PATIENT with me.  Thank you for SAVING ME, as poor and wretched as I am.  Thank you for ALLOWING me to see more of your BEAUTIFUL CREATION.  Thank you for my washer and dryer. Thank you for my car.  Thank you for running water and my food processor.

I'm very THANKFUL I am to be an AMERICAN.  How PROUD I am of our country and the vision of our forefathers.

So as I "digest"...I will do so thankfully.  Not doubtfully, not being judgmental...just pure gratefulness for all I got to see and do.

So my dear Americans, let me just remind you of Luke 12:48

<span>From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked. (NIV)</span>

Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities! (The Message)

For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more. (KJV)

So for cryin' out loud!  Get that Starbucks you've been craving, grab your Bible, and ask God what He wants you to learn today! AND THEN DO IT.


This is the women (at the witch camp) standing in their courtyard.
This is Manassah...and the eggs!!! I LOVE Manassah and he is my new brother.
This is Nana getting shown how to do it right. It is back-breaking work.
Nyhus kids showing off "the ladies".
a quick picture before heading off. oh how I wish you could have heard how very excited they were!
Abraham and some street people.
One of my favorite shots of Clement. I love him.


Is today really Saturday?  My LAST DAY IN JAX?  Today was a wonderful day...special time spent w/ my sister.  It started early...we were up and at 'em before 7am.  Stopped at Starbucks to get a White Choc Mocha and head out to the hospital.  We took a little detour on the way which resulted in seeing MUCH of JAX. (ok, we were a little lost but nothing the GPS can't figure out!)  We didn't have a care in the world, just us 2, not in any hurry, just enjoying chatting about this and that, driving by the zoo, seeing a Carnival cruise ship in the bay, etc.

When we arrived at the hospital and headed back to room 320, Baba was fast asleep in the recliner and Clement was also asleep.  This was a good thing indeed.  Baba has not slept in 3 days.  So Sister and I decided to take a trip to a nearby WalMart to get a few things.  She was craving chips and salsa and brownies.  So I got all the ingredients to make my favorite salsa and she bought her Ghiradelli box of brownies. She was like a girl in a candy store! I've never heard anyone scream over brocolli the way she did.  When we were in the checkout line we met an African American-who was stinkin' adorable-and she told us she had many Ghanain friends.  So Wend got her number.  Funny, huh?

When we got back and stepped into the ICU waiting room, there was Baba, looking fairly refreshed and happy to greet us.  Wendy decided to stay w/ Clement while myself and Baba checked in at the Ronald McDonald house so we could drop off all of his luggage and he could take a much needed shower.  When we got all his suitcases inside, I had to show him how to open/close the blinds as well as how to use a shower properly.  (I think I had mentioned in an earlier post that Jim had heard him taking a shower and he was turning the water off and on about 20 times.)  He was very surprised when I told him he could leave the shower running until he was finished and THEN turn it off.  I sat out in the hallway waiting for him and was tickled that he was taking his sweet time...I think that hot shower was calling his name!  When he stepped out he was wearing some black pants, a plaid shirt and a sweater vest that someone had donated.  (and his new sneakers from Jim)  On our way out he was sure to show me all around the is VERY nice.  On our way out I saw some hand made stocking caps on the counter and asked how much they cost and found out they were all donated and Baba could take his pick.  (she told me she could look and see if there were more 'masculine' colors but I told her no worries...Ghanains don't care pink from blue)  Sure enough, he chose the turquoise blue w/ pink.  He was THRILLED.  When we got back to the hospital, I drove to the top of the parking garage.  It had a great view of the city and the life flight helicopter.  Baba wanted me to take lots of pictures.  At some point I told him he my "brothuh from anothuh mothuh" and we were cracking up.  My sister of course, couldn't believe I taught him that and swears we are corrupting him.

Clement had a fairly good day.  He is coughing some and it sounds awful...lots of fluid in his lungs.  He vomited quite a bit while we were there, his bowels are still "asleep" from being under, he still has swelling around his heart, etc.  These things are all normal but makes him not feel so great.  I've been meaning to tell you that a few days ago, Wendy told me to read Ps 57 and pray it over Clement.  I MUST share this passage w/ you...

1 Have mercy on me, O God, have mercy!
      I look to you for protection.
   I will hide beneath the shadow of your wings
      until the danger passes by.
 2 I cry out to God Most High,[a]
      to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.
 3 He will send help from heaven to rescue me,
      disgracing those who hound me.
     My God will send forth his unfailing love and faithfulness.

God WILL fulfill His purpose in Clement.  He still has a long road ahead.  Baba and Laadi will also have some adjustments.  Their boy is going to be totally different.  They NEVER said "NO" to Clement b/c if he cried he would start having difficulty breathing, so they, like any parent would do, have done their very best to keep him ALIVE.  That being said, Clement can be a bit ornery at times.  The nurses said that yesterday he "was a pill".  But if he ain't the cutest little pill ya ever did see????

He is a very VERY affectionate child.  He LOVES human contact.  Holding hands, hugging, kissing, etc.  "Momma Wendy" taught him how to blow kisses and then catch them.  It's so darn cute.  Today we got the biggest kick out of him.  Wendy would rub his foot and then when she stopped he'd take his toes and "tap" her hand so she would start rubbing it again.  I got it on video and will post it when I get home.

As time neared for me to leave, I felt a pit in my stomach.  Clement was asleep, which was fine.  I so wanted to scoop him up and squeeze him to death...I truly LOVE this precious child of God.  I don't know how to convey in a blog what I feel in my heart for him...for Baba and's the strangest thing.  As I looked down on him with tubes coming out every which way, his little chest heaving up and down, his scar still "fresh" right down the middle of his chest, I just prayed Ps 57 over him...finishing w/ "God will send forth His unfailing love and faithfulness."  I couldn't help but think, "Will I ever see you again?" and yet I know I will.  Maybe not on this side of heaven, but I"m comforted to know that no matter what, WE WILL meet again.  But I went ahead and let the tears fall.  I saw one drop on the blanket right next to his hand.  I looked closely at his toes...he has the cutest feet.  I rubbed his forehead, just like I do to my own children when they are sleepy.  Wendy came along beside me and gave me a sideways squeeze but said nothing.

Saying goodbye to Baba was...NOT FUN.  I was bawling my eyes out.  I know, I know...I think I've said that phrase at least a million times in the last month, but hey, it is what it is.  Baba hugged me hard and kept saying, "Thank you, Auntie!" but I told him to stop thanking me...that I was the one who was forever grateful...that he and his family have forever changed me.  When I pulled away he had tears in my eyes.  I didn't prolong it as it was painful enough, so I walked away and got on the elevator.  As the doors closed I saw him walking back towards the waiting area and every part of me wanted to throw my foot in between those door to make them pop back open again!  It is very hard for me to leave not getting to see Clement run.  I just wanna see that boy run, for crying out loud!!!!  And I wanna see Baba and Laadi's smiles as they watch him do so.  Ya know?

Wendy and I returned to our "home away from home" and not long afterwards Jim got to go say his goodbye as well.  I told him on his way out the door, "You HAVE to tell Baba that Auntie Lulu wants his autograph!"  When Jim got home I was tickled to see that Baba had signed Jim's forearm.  Jim said he got a kick outta that.

So now, the house is very quiet.  I"m the only one still up.  I'm trying not to think about saying goodbye to my sister tomorrow.  I just can't go there quite yet.

Remember I told you that we prayed Ps 57 over Clement?  Well, let me just leave you w/ the last part of that chapter, and you will see for yourself why it is so fitting.  Good night, all.

7 My heart is confident in you, O God;
      my heart is confident.
      No wonder I can sing your praises!
 8 Wake up, my heart!
      Wake up, O lyre and harp!
      I will wake the dawn with my song.
 9 I will thank you, Lord, among all the people.
      I will sing your praises among the nations.
 10 For your unfailing love is as high as the heavens.
      Your faithfulness reaches to the clouds.

 11 Be exalted, O God, above the highest heavens.
      May your glory shine over all the earth.


Good Morning to all!  Yesterday was CRAZY!!!!  But OH THE BEST CRAZY EVER!!!  I'm so sorry for not updating as well as many of you would have's very hard to find time for me to sit w/o interruptions since I have 2 babies to devote all my love and attention to.  (Jim is here but he went out w/ our host, Mark, kayaking yesterday so I was by myself...hence the reason why I wasn't able to journal/update)

Ok...sit back and enjoy reading this because it is OH SO GOOD.  I will try my very best to get all the details/medical terms correctly...Wendy of course, is much better at explaining things but I'll do my best.

The surgery was scheduled for 11am.  (he didn't actually go back until 11:35) As you know, many MANY of us were praying for the doctors and nurses as well.  The surgeon had a TERRIBLE day the day before...w/ Clement but also w/ his other I'm so glad many of us covered him in prayer.  The team of nurses and doc's came in, introduced themselves, last minute stuff, and Wendy met the OR nurse, Lori.  Immediately Wendy loved her.  She was warm and friendly and Wendy just started telling her how we've been praying specifically for HER; that God ORDAINED HER TO BE CLEMENT'S NURSE, that she was a SPECIFIC ANSWER TO OUR PRAYERS and that no one else was more perfect for this task than she was.  GUESS WHAT?  She told Wendy she is a BELIEVER!!!!  You don't know how much this meant...well then again, maybe you do.  Wendy said all the doctors could hear their entire conversation and their eyes were as big as saucers, for I'm sure they've never seen such a scene unfold right before a very VERY serious surgery...REJOICING ALREADY.  Then, Lori did something totally not considered "politically correct"...she asked if all of them could pray before heading into surgery.  Wendy said she just grabbed both doctors hands w/o them able to respond and they had a very powerful time of petition before a Holy, perfect God.  The doctors didn't know what to think! This was a very brave act on Lori's behalf.  After that, Wendy said her butterflies were totally gone, her thoughts were fixed where they needed to be, and she felt very confident.  I'm not sure how Baba felt at this point.  But I'm sure he felt what any parent would feel.  Here is what the doctor told them to expect:

First, he told them that it would be a very "stormy day".  (exact words) He was mostly concerned w/ putting in the arterial lines (sorry if I misspell things) and some kind of bypass they do after that.  He told Wendy that putting in the lines would take an hour and a half.  It is a very critical part of the surgery and it's the first thing they do.

Lori, the nurse, told Wendy that they were all amazed in the OR that it only took 15 mintues...a smooth as butter.

During the bypass...and I apologize that i can't tell you exactly what they did, but I think the concern was that his oxygen levels would crash.  The day before surgery it got as low as 2%.  Yes, I said 2%.  The surgeon was nervous going into this surgery...he knew the risk that Clement could die right there on the table.  But God has another plan for this child.  Clement did problems whatsoever.

During the surgery Wendy tried to keep Baba busy.  They walked to the Ronald McDonald house where he will be staying now until he leaves.  It is very VERY nice.  Baba will be very comfortable there.  He enjoyed the walk, looking at all the cranes, the river, etc.  I think all of us were truly experiencing the "peace that passes all understanding".

The surgeon (before surgery) told them it would take about 6 hours.  So I went to the hospital around 5pm w/ 2 my best friends who drove up from Orlando.  On our way I called my sister to let her know we were almost there and she told me THAT CLEMENT WAS OUT OF SURGERY.  6 HOURS??? NOPE!  The surgery took 3 hours.

Upon my arrival, my own heart was pounding w/ excitement as we got on the elevator up to the 3rd floor.  I didn't know what to expect...would I be able to see Clement? How was Baba doing? Is Clement doing ok? etc...

I was chatting w/ some people in the ICU waiting room when I felt someone touch my arm and I turned around and there was my sister...and we just grabbed each other and sobbed.  and sobbed.  and laughed.  It was very surreal...this journey...all for this very moment...Wendy just looked at me, her eyes were sparkling and tears streaming and just said, "He's doing SO GREAT!"

I asked Wendy how Baba was and if it would be OK for me to go back and see him.  She said yes.  As I went around the corner, my mind was racing...what would greet me just beyond those glass doors of room 320?  When I walked through the door and saw little Clement, hooked up to all the tubes, his little body as still as can be, Baba leaning over him, his hand resting on Clement's forehead, the nurse busy adjusting everything, writing stuff down, etc...all I could do was just bawl my eyes out.  Baba came to me and gave me the biggest hug...he was crying...but it was tears of complete JOY.  I just told Baba over and over how PROUD I was of him...that he is a WONDERFUL father...and I said other stuff, too...but I doubt he understood a word of it since I was crying so hard.  Baba was HILARIOUS last night.  He was like a woman announcing she is pregnant...he was GLOWING.  GIDDY.  He told me he was a new man.  (I actually interviewed him right then and there and will post the video later.)  He wants Wendy and I to take pictures of EVERYTHING.  the nurses, the visitors, the food they bring to him, Clement, etc.  I've never seen him like this before.  He was on a major adrenaline rush.  He told me that a man in the waiting room recognized him from seeing him on TV and Baba LOVED that.  I told him people would start asking for his autograph (and then had to explain what that meant).  Last night was just a night of celebration...although Clement is still not out of the clear, he is really doing great.

Baba hasn't left Clement's side.  So last night he didn't sleep a wink.  Pray he gets some rest today? I think he feels like he can rest when my sister is I'm hoping at some point today he'll rest.

The kids and I are hanging out at the house and will get up there at some point.  The report from her this morning is that he is having some blood pressure issues (normal) and irregular heartbeats (normal) so he's on some med's and a heart pacer until things get better.  They are going to try and wean him off oxygen so that he will gradually start breathing on his own.  (BTW...i took a picture of his monitor that said his oxygen level was at 100%!!)

So keep those prayers coming my friends.  Clement is still in ICU...he has a long road of recovery before him...but WOW...isn't this just the most wonderful thing????

Love to you all, Mist


Jim and Wendy just left about 10 minutes ago to head to the hospital.  Wendy got a great night's sleep and I hope Baba did, too.  He is exhausted.  The nurse told Wendy that he did OK though the night.  For those of you who want to know...Clement's oxygen level was running at 22% last night.  Now that he is on oxygen it's up to about 80%.  They are keeping him sedated so he doesn't move much. I can't remember if I mentioned this yesterday...but all of the doc's/nurses are amazed that he survived the trip here.  It took them 3 days of traveling to get they just cannot even believe it.  But I can.  We serve a big God and we have a TON of people covering this little dude in prayer.  He (God) is hearing our cries, He loves it when we boldly come before His throne and offer up our is like a sweet incense to Him.  So my dear friends, please, set your watches/alarms for 11am EST and STOP WHAT YOU ARE DOING to pray, please???  Maybe even consider fasting from lunch today.

Jim, the kids and I all went up to the hospital last night but Baba didn't even want to leave C's side to come out to the waiting room. He is an amazing Dad.  It's very touching to watch him w/ Clement.  We are so proud of him.  Cathy packed his bag full of clothes, toothebrush, blanket, pillow, etc...and he loves pizza so Jim and I stopped at Pizza Hut and brought him a pepperoni pizza.

I think all of us around here have butterflies in our stomachs.  Wendy wants me to go up a little later and I'll take the computer w/ me.  Today will be lots of waiting and sitting and waiting some more.  so don't expect a lot of updates.  I imagine the surgery will take a while.  

We covet your prayers.  Don't forget to pray for Laadi, too. (Clement's mother) And the doctor/nurses.  He stressed to Wendy that he has not seen a heart this bad in a very VERY long time.  HE had a really rough day yesterday so I pray he got a good nights rest.  He told Wendy that this surgery will be very "complicated".  So we must cover him and his team in prayer as well.

Love to you all, Misty

PS:  This morning I read Acts 12.  There is something amazing that happens when God's people come together to pray!  I'm going to put Acts 12 on this note and want you to take the time to read it if you can.  It's just a good reminder for us all to come together in unity and let our requests be made known unto God.

5 So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him.
 6 The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance. 7 Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared and a light shone in the cell. He struck Peter on the side and woke him up. “Quick, get up!” he said, and the chains fell off Peter’s wrists.
 8 Then the angel said to him, “Put on your clothes and sandals.” And Peter did so. “Wrap your cloak around you and follow me,” the angel told him. 9 Peter followed him out of the prison, but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision. 10 They passed the first and second guards and came to the iron gate leading to the city. It opened for them by itself, and they went through it. When they had walked the length of one street, suddenly the angel left him.
 11 Then Peter came to himself and said, “Now I know without a doubt that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me from Herod’s clutches and from everything the Jewish people were hoping would happen.”
 12 When this had dawned on him, he went to the house of Mary the mother of John, also called Mark, where many people had gathered and were praying. 13 Peter knocked at the outer entrance, and a servant named Rhoda came to answer the door. 14 When she recognized Peter’s voice, she was so overjoyed she ran back without opening it and exclaimed, “Peter is at the door!”
 15 “You’re out of your mind,” they told her. When she kept insisting that it was so, they said, “It must be his angel.”
 16 But Peter kept on knocking, and when they opened the door and saw him, they were astonished. 17 Peter motioned with his hand for them to be quiet and described how the Lord had brought him out of prison. “Tell James and the other brothers and sisters about this,” he said, and then he left for another place.
 18 In the morning, there was no small commotion among the soldiers as to what had become of Peter. 19 After Herod had a thorough search made for him and did not find him, he cross-examined the guards and ordered that they be executed.


Not sure what to type right now.  I feel like I just had the wind knocked out of my sails a bit...and I am clinging to all the wonderful things God has done thus far for Clement.

We just got a call from Wendy...things have gotten a little tense and I think we're trying to make sense of it all...I in particular, am trying not to put Clement "on the altar"...Thank God for my husband who is my "true north"...pointing my thoughts back to where they need to be...reminding me that God is all knowing, all powerful, miracle maker...and loves and adores this little black boy.  I am reminded of a verse my mom had us memorize as children..."The Kings heart is in the hand of the Lord."  (from Proverbs)  So right now, I am praying this verse over little Clement.  "Clement's heart is in the hand of the Lord."  I will cling to this during this "not knowing" phase.

Jim and I just prayed together...our phone is ringing...calling Jim for updates.  Please, let's all not only pray for Clement, but these doctors and nurses, for Laadi and Portia...If all of us come together I KNOW God will hear our cry.  It's 3:22pm...Wendy said she might know more around 4pm.

Right now they are just very closely monitoring him.  Trying to keep him stable.

Oh sweet Jesus, hear the cry of your people!  May you be glorified!



Today was a quieter day.  Charlee slept in until almost noon!  So we are just wiped out.  Clement/Baba/Wendy had a doc appt this afternoon.  Clement was assessed by his doctor.  Tomorrow morning they have to report to the hospital at 8am for a cardiac cath.  (This is what people have done when they have a heart attack)  Clement was very low key today...I can tell he is tired.  Baba, too!  Charlee really missed him when he wasn't here.  She has started calling him "My Clement".  It's just so sweet...

Wendy DID get her hair cut and her eyebrow wax. I was very happy for her!

Tomorrow is going to be a LONG day for Clement.  They will put him under for the procedure.  Please, your prayers for Clement will be so appreciated.  Specifically that his heart will beat regularly after the procedure is over.

The surgery is scheduled for the 25th.  Baba/Clement will continue to stay here at the McGaughey's until the day of surgery.  I cannot say enough what a God-send they have been to us.

Jim, the kids and I went to the beach today.  It was chilly and the water was like ice, but we had such a great time together.  We saw a Naval helicopter and we waved our arms in the air...and you know what it did?  It tipped from one side to the other to us!  I have never seen a helicopter do was SO COOL!!!!   Sam LOVED the water and tried to eat fistful's of sand...and when we took it out of his hand he would scream at us.  Charlee was looking for shells to take home to "my Clement".

Baba got some great stuff today.  People from the local church brought over an ELECTRIC BLANKET  and some cool gloves/socks that you can put in the microwave to heat up so your feet/hands stay warm.  LOL!!  How would he EVER survive in KC???

So not much to report today...stay tuned.  Thanks for all the notes...we love hearing from all of you.  Mist

CUTE STORIES:  Baba insisted on pushing the cart at WalMart.  2. Jim had to show Baba how to put on a new toilet paper roll.  3.  Baba asked (after seeing ducks in a pond) if we eat them.  4. I had to teach him how to get water out of the refrigerator.  5. He was very curious about a toy so we got a screwdriver and opened up the batteries.  He wanted to take the battery out and hold it.  "it is heavy" he said. 


st when I thought it couldn't get any better...
I'm not gonna lie...yesterday was long and not so easy.  Sam Watson is a hoot...he is SO BUSY.  We flew during both of their nap times, yada yada yada...I know many of you reading this totally "get it".  I was never so happy to see our rental van.  It took quite some time to get it, load everything, carseats in, etc...FINALLY!  My kids were falling asleep before we even left the lot.  I was in the very back and told Jim it sounded like a window was open.  I quickly realized a latch on one of the windows was not just broken, it was completely the window was just flapping around.  Long story short...we had to go BACK to the car rental, wait for ANOTHER van, unload, wake up kids, etc...needless to say, I was laughing just to keep from crying.  I'm still very VERY jet-lagged.  This morning I woke up at 3am WIDE I think tonight I need to take a sleep aid. (thanks, Cheslee)


We are staying at Mark and Cathy McGaughey's home.  Mark is a Pastor here in JAX and Cathy is the Mission's Director at the church.  THEY ARE AWESOME.  Their home is so inviting and we have completely TAKEN OVER.  LOL!  Those of you know how it is w/ everywhere, food all over the counter, suitcases everywhere...I'm so very thankful for them.  We met through a mutual friend (Amy Hayward).  The McGaughey's used to go to KCBT and they know Phil Hopper.  In fact, Phil is staying in their home in Feb for a men's conference!  Small world, huh?

I got up around 7am to shower and get ready.  Unfortunately I had left all my toilletries in my Dad's suitcase...and he is staying in a nearby when I heard Cathy "stirring" in the kitchen I went out w/ dripping wet hair to ask her for a brush to borrow.  As soon as she saw me she had a HUGE smile on her face and said, "WE'RE GONNA BE ON TV!"  She had emailed every news station late last night and had 1 local station call this morning wanting to know more details.  I threw my arms up and said, "Oh my goodness! This is so wonderful!" and then I immediately started bawling my eyes out.  I just can't believe how this precious little boy is proclaiming the name of Jesus.  As I sit here journaling it all, I feel so inadequate in how to express all the emotions we are experiencing.

At 9am we all loaded up the car to go to the airport.  I had Charlee wear the dress Laadi (Clement's mom) had made...she looked like a little African princess.  Yes, I Misty Terrell, actually said my daughter looked like a princess.  (there's a first for everything, right?  Those who know me well will understand this joke) The weather is very rainy and in the 60's today...but that did not put any damper on any of us.  We could hardly wait!

We stood as close to the gates as we could.  I was looking down the hallway...trying to get the first peek of that curly hair.  I know I just saw her a few days ago, but this was a new "first" in many ways.  She has not seen Sam since he was just barely born.  I was excited for her to see how much Charlee's hair has grown and how much she talks.  I couldn't wait for Charlee and Sam to interact w/ Clement.  And I couldn't wait to treat my sister to a Dr. Pepper.

As they came down the hall I yelled, "THERE THEY ARE!!!!!!!"  I ran to meet them...and you know the rest.  Tears, hugs, the whole 9 yards.  Sam LOVES my sister.  He loves everyone, but I can tell he understands that Aunt DeeDee is EXTRA special.  Charlee was hiding in my jeans...not quite sure...but by the time we were in baggage claim she was already playing and interacting w/ Clement.  The news anchor was there and filmed it all and interviewed Baba and then came to the house and interviewed my sister and got more film footage of Clement/Baba.  Wendy thought she did a horrible job and that she looked make up, old clothes on, but I let her wear my sweater and told her to throw on some lip gloss...she looked BEAUTIFUL!  I was so proud of her.

Right now as I type this I see Charlee and Clement teasing one another.  Clement is "getting Charlee" w/ a toy and she is giggling and running from him.  I am hoping they can bathe together in a bit but Clement gets very VERY tired this time of day and I'm not sure how he'll do in a tub.  He's used to bathing w/ a we'll see.  (I'll journal tomorrow and tell you how it goes. :)

Oh my, now I have to share w/ you the drive from the airport to....(excuse me for a second while I go tell Charlee she can NOT play w/ the fine china on the sofa table)...Ok, all is well.  What was I saying?  Oh yes, the drive from the airport to the house.  Baba was SO FUN to video.  His eyes, his face, his smile...lots of questions.  He couldn't believe how different it all was.  The cars are so clean, the streets are so clean, there is no over-crowding, the roofs look very different, the homes are so large, the bridge we are driving on is amazing, how do we have electricity, on and on it went. Clement was sitting in Baba's lap (don't tell the JAX police) because Clement does NOT like straps.  He's never been strapped in his life until this trip.  So we just had him sit in Baba's lap and he was out like a light.

Jim took Baba to WAL-MART today.  Jim is really REALLY enjoying this experience and I'm so very glad he is here w/ me.  I am now "interviewing" Jim since he refuses to get his OWN here is what he said it was like.  "Baba wanted to know who owns WalMart, who owned the schools on the way to WalMart.  Inside he wanted to know where all the stuff came from.  He was constantly looking around, completely blown away.  He wants a picture of himself in the produce section. He kept poking the banana's and saying how FRESH everything was.  The frozen food section was almost beyond comprehension for him.  He felt the food in it and jumped back w/ surprise!  Jim took him to the shoe section and had Baba try on some sneakers.  Baba started to try putting on his shoe in the middle of the aisle and Jim had to show him the little stool to sit on, how to unlace the shoes, how to feel where your big toe is to see if they fit properly, etc.  Baba was so very excited to have those new shoes and kept thanking Jim over and over and over again.  As they left he asked Jim, where was the money to buy it all? (Jim used our debit card)  So Jim had to explain how the card takes money right out of our account at the bank.

It's been like this all day long...explaining, answering all his questions, etc.  He couldn't believe the dishwasher.  He is amazed at the TV.  The high-chair.  EVERYTHING.  I am excited for him to see himself on the News tonight.  I promise to post a link so you can watch it was well.  I know all of you will want to see that.  I wish my mom could be here to experience this w/ us...but she is making it much easier for my sister to be here.  We've contacted the doctor and are waiting to hear back from him.  Tomorrow Wendy is getting a haircut/hi-lite and an eyebrow wax.  She is very excited. :)

I will write more tomorrow...I have to get off and be a good parent.  Baba is napping, Clement is playing...all is well.  God is good.  He is faithful. He still moves mountains...and in this case I'd say He moved the entire Swiss Alps.  I love you all.


PS:  I was just proof reading my note and Cathy yelled out, "WE'RE ON TV!"  So I have to go...we have the TV on and we're about to see Clement's story.  Is this not amazing?  seriously!

PSS:  Wendy asked Portia (Clement's sister) what she wanted her to bring back.  An apple.  Ok, that is convicting.

PSSS:  Wendy said Laadi was very VERY TEARFUL yesterday morning.  Please pray for her?  Let's pray Is. 26:3 over her...what I asked you to pray over me.  "You will keep Laadi in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee, because she trusts in thee."


Abraham.  That is his name.  His name is precious to Jesus...for he cares for "the least of these".
I'm so glad I was obedient.  I feel as if my trip home was ordained for this very meeting.  Let me tell you what happened.

On my way to see him, I stopped at a street vendor w/ about 5 women.  I had already stopped and chatted w/ them earlier today and they were so adorable.  So I thought it would be nice to go to their vendor and buy food.

When I walked up to them, I said something like this:  "Hello again! I must tell you why I have returned.  On my walk earlier I passed by a very skinny young man sitting at the intersection." (they knew exactly who I was talking about because he sits there every single day.) I went on to explain (as tears streamed down my face) that I could not get his face out of my mind, and that God himself was tugging at my heart to return to him and tell him about Jesus...and that Jesus also led me to this vendor to buy food for him.  They were all so very happy and asked for me to return to them after my visit and tell them what transpired.  So I gave them my word.  Off I went w/ a bag of food.  I was very excited and praying for God to help me communicate His love.  I didn't even know if he spoke any English at all.

As I approached him he looked at me with curiosity, for I think he could tell that I was coming for HIM.  I sat on the dirty sidewalk next to him and said, "God told me to bring you some food and to share w/ you the most important message you willl ever hear.  But first, you start eating and tell me your name."  ABRAHAM.  He is fatherless, motherless, homeless.  He is very sick...has stomach problems.  He spoke a little English but I could tell he did not understand all that I said.  His eyes were kind...and he was very grateful.  We were sitting at a very busy there were all kinds of cars slowing down, even stopping, to see what in the world was going on.  You see, to the worlds eyes, Abraham and I had nothing in common.  Even Abraham was very shocked when I told him he was my brother.  Jesus died for ALL.  The conversation went on and on...quite honestly I don't even remember what I told him...the words just kept coming and by the end of it I turned around and there was a crowd of people standing behind me who had been listening that entire time!  I asked permission to take a picture of some of them and then went on my way.  But I kept praying as I walked that God would send other believers his way...that the Holy Spirit would intercede and that Abraham would really think about what I told him.

I passed by the vendor where the ladies were smiling from ear to ear, anxious to hear all about it.  As I crossed the street towards them I yelled, "His name is Abraham!"  "Ohhhhhhh! Abraham!" they all replied.  As I started to tell them what I said to him, ALL 5 OF THEM NODDED THEIR HEADS AS IF THEY TOTALLY UNDERSTOOD.  "Do you know this Jesus i talk of?" I asked.  YES!  They were ALL BORN-AGAIN BELIEVERS!!!!  One in particular said she often passes by him and she gave me her word that she would follow up w/ him.  I told her that she needed to speak to him in his own language and really explain to him who Jesus is because I don't think he totally understood all that I shared w/ him.  I also encouraged all of them to invite him to church.  She said she would do that.  Isn't this wonderful?????

What a great way to "kill some time".  Now I think I will get some water and read a bit, and take a much needed shower.  I stink.  BAD.  But I stink in the name of Jesus!  Can I hear an AMEN?

Love to you all.  I cannot wait to see you.  Mist


The guest house has completley emptied as people leave to explore during the day.  I just got back from a 2 hour walk around the city.  Why didn't I do this earlier?  Exploring the city by bus or taxi is not NEAR as exciting as exploring by foot.  Since I still have 4 more hours to kill, I think I will drink a bottle of Coke and head out once more, only this time I will go the other direction!  I met so many wonderful people...most of them street vendors.  I had my camera and was taking lots of pictures.  I passed by a young man, probably a teenager, who was sitting at an intersection w/ barely any clothes;  he smelled of urine and sweat and was very dirty. He was trying to peel an orange.   It was more than obvious that he was homeless.  I could see every bone in his body as he was very thin.  I'm not going to lie that the first time I passed by him I did not make eye contact w/ him.  On my return I had to pass him again, and this time I smiled at him as I passed and said, "hello".  I kept on walking.  And I felt so helpless but also uncomfortable.  What do I say to him?  How do I share the love of Jesus with him?  I turned around and went back to him.  I asked him if he needed something to eat and he nodded yes.

I opened up my pack and offered him my apple, for that was all I had, and went on my way.

Now I sit here, back in the comforts of the guesthouse and all I can think about is him, and I am convicted as I type this.  I know what I need to do.  I need to go back to him.   Faith in action, yes?  This is what it is all about.  When I return I will tell you how it went.  If you read this in the next hour, please pray for him...the young man who sits day after day w/ nothing...whose eyes look as empty as his stomach...yes, he is nameless to you now but God knows.  Pray that I can communicate the love of Jesus w/ him.  I will look forward to sharing his name w/ you.

Living w/ purpose, Mist


1/12/2011: Right now I am sitting in the Tamale airport waiting to board.  (They are flying this morning so I didn't have to take the bus!) While flying is MUCH more convenient, I surprised myself by being a little disappointed.  I think I had my mind set that the bus would be my way to travel and I had started getting excited about seeing Ghana from a different perspective.  Forget the fact that I would have had to travel 12 or so hours on an unairconditioned bus, potholes the size of Texas, and w/ people who do not wear deoderant...I had decided that it would have been a grand adventure indeed and was ready for it! Anyway, I am now in Tamale.

It took about 2 hour, 15 min to get here.  Greg and I left the house at 4am.  He and I talked the entire way.  I'm so glad my sister married him.  He is truly my brother and I love him so.  We were laughing at Nana some.  She is a HOOT!  Yesterday instead of saying "Deshuba" (good morning) she was yelling "Doosheeebaw!" SO FUNNY! I'll have to tell all of you in person how she greeted the founders son, Dr. Faile.  It was hilarious!  But the people all LOVE her.  And they love it when you try and speak Mamprusi w/ them.

 I had to really pull myself together after hugging Greg goodbye.  But now that I have said them all I am very much looking forward to the "hello's".  I miss my babies sooooooooooo much now.  It's because now I have time to "dwell" on it.  Please, if you are reading this, continue to pray Is 26:3 over me because I am on the verge of an emotional breakdown!!!  (You will keep Misty in perfect peace because her thoughts are fixed on YOU.")

The airport, although very small, is a whir of activity.  When I say airport, it's only 1 terminal.  (Pause to board plane)

I am now in Accra! An entire day has passed since my last paragraph.  I am at a guesthouse owned by the IMB.  It is very nice. I arrived very early in the morning so I had all day yesterday to "play".  I called Emmanuel, the taxi driver we used before, and had him take me to the cultural market.  (Nana and I had gone there on our first day in Ghana) It is like any market in a 3rd world country where they pull you to their booth and say, 'Good price'.  You have to be very firm in saying, "NO, JUST LOOKING" but since I had a better idea of the people here I felt much more comfortable.  I was able to talk to many of them of Jesus, the one true son of God, and how he paid for their sins and He alone can truly satifsy...He is living water.  To one basket maker I said, "Before Jesus I was like the empty basket looking for things to fill me up...but when I found Jesus my basket is always full. My soul is no longer hungry and my heart is always satisfied." On and on it went and I had great fun.  Emmanuel walked w/ me to make sure I was OK.  Occassionally he would ask me, "You OK?" He took me to a small restaurant where we can buy some ethnic food.  they eat completley differently here in the south.  Everything I had in the North they have not ever heard of here.

Last night I completely CRASHED.  I went to bed at 8pm and didn't wake up until 8am.  My flight does not leave until 11:15pm tonight so I ahve another day.  I think today I will explore Accra by foot.  (plus I'm out of money!)  I will probably not be able to write any more until I am home, as there is only 1 computer here in the guesthouse and many people here.

I have cried often since leaving Nalerigu.  Especially when I look through the pictures I have taken.  There is one in particular that gets to my very core.  It's "Mamma Wendy" w/ Sugari, one of the children from the orphanage.  I will post it once I return. Since I have no phone, no computer, no company, it has given me a lot of time to "process".  This is good for the most part, but I have found myself really missing my family today...the most I've missed them yet.  Idleness is not today my challenge will be trying to keep busy w/ very limited resources.

There are many people waiting to use the computer, so let me just close by saying my time alone has been very good for me to process.  Amy Hayward gave me a little packet of things to read and one of them said that to have faith in action is to do 2 things: ACCEPT and TRUST.  ACCEPT the mystery of hardship, suffering, misfortune, or mistreatment. Don't try to understand it or explain it. Accept it.  Then, deliberately TRUST God's protection by His power from this moment to the dawning of eternity.