Friday, February 18, 2011


Abraham.  That is his name.  His name is precious to Jesus...for he cares for "the least of these".
I'm so glad I was obedient.  I feel as if my trip home was ordained for this very meeting.  Let me tell you what happened.

On my way to see him, I stopped at a street vendor w/ about 5 women.  I had already stopped and chatted w/ them earlier today and they were so adorable.  So I thought it would be nice to go to their vendor and buy food.

When I walked up to them, I said something like this:  "Hello again! I must tell you why I have returned.  On my walk earlier I passed by a very skinny young man sitting at the intersection." (they knew exactly who I was talking about because he sits there every single day.) I went on to explain (as tears streamed down my face) that I could not get his face out of my mind, and that God himself was tugging at my heart to return to him and tell him about Jesus...and that Jesus also led me to this vendor to buy food for him.  They were all so very happy and asked for me to return to them after my visit and tell them what transpired.  So I gave them my word.  Off I went w/ a bag of food.  I was very excited and praying for God to help me communicate His love.  I didn't even know if he spoke any English at all.

As I approached him he looked at me with curiosity, for I think he could tell that I was coming for HIM.  I sat on the dirty sidewalk next to him and said, "God told me to bring you some food and to share w/ you the most important message you willl ever hear.  But first, you start eating and tell me your name."  ABRAHAM.  He is fatherless, motherless, homeless.  He is very sick...has stomach problems.  He spoke a little English but I could tell he did not understand all that I said.  His eyes were kind...and he was very grateful.  We were sitting at a very busy there were all kinds of cars slowing down, even stopping, to see what in the world was going on.  You see, to the worlds eyes, Abraham and I had nothing in common.  Even Abraham was very shocked when I told him he was my brother.  Jesus died for ALL.  The conversation went on and on...quite honestly I don't even remember what I told him...the words just kept coming and by the end of it I turned around and there was a crowd of people standing behind me who had been listening that entire time!  I asked permission to take a picture of some of them and then went on my way.  But I kept praying as I walked that God would send other believers his way...that the Holy Spirit would intercede and that Abraham would really think about what I told him.

I passed by the vendor where the ladies were smiling from ear to ear, anxious to hear all about it.  As I crossed the street towards them I yelled, "His name is Abraham!"  "Ohhhhhhh! Abraham!" they all replied.  As I started to tell them what I said to him, ALL 5 OF THEM NODDED THEIR HEADS AS IF THEY TOTALLY UNDERSTOOD.  "Do you know this Jesus i talk of?" I asked.  YES!  They were ALL BORN-AGAIN BELIEVERS!!!!  One in particular said she often passes by him and she gave me her word that she would follow up w/ him.  I told her that she needed to speak to him in his own language and really explain to him who Jesus is because I don't think he totally understood all that I shared w/ him.  I also encouraged all of them to invite him to church.  She said she would do that.  Isn't this wonderful?????

What a great way to "kill some time".  Now I think I will get some water and read a bit, and take a much needed shower.  I stink.  BAD.  But I stink in the name of Jesus!  Can I hear an AMEN?

Love to you all.  I cannot wait to see you.  Mist

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