Tuesday, April 19, 2011


America, WAKE UP AND GET OVER YOURSELVES! Seriously...I'm about to erupt.  I can only take so much.  I've held my tongue but tonight...I'm ready to get off my chest something that has vexed me since the day I got back from Ghana.  I simply cannot sit idle any longer.  I've had it.  Now, I know I'm FAR from perfection...in fact, the 1 thing that has kept me from saying anything thus far is that exact reason.  Who am I?  I'm like everyone else...a sinner.  Saved by grace.  But still, a sinner.  I have never, nor will I ever, claim to be anywhere CLOSE to perfect.  I have many MANY faults (just ask my husband and kids!) I, too, am a "work in progress"...

Maybe I'm just in a mood.  Maybe this is a pet pieve.  Maybe I'm a nutcase.  But maybe, just maybe, I'M ANGRY for a reason...so listen up.

What, you ask, am I so upset over?

AMERICAN'S and their NEED TO COMPLAIN.  And let me get even MORE specific and say...CHRISTIAN AMERICAN'S and their need to complain.

Since I've been back from Africa, my time on facebook has diminished DRAMATICALLY.  There are several factors going into this.  1. I don't have time. 2. I have more important issues to devote my time to. 3. My babies need their mother.  4. All of the above are basically saying the same thing but w/ a different angle.  5. I CAN'T HANDLE THE COMPLAINING AND WHINING!!!

If I hear 1 more person whine about their kids, whine about their dog, whine about the cold, whine about the hot, whine about their jobs, whine about their TV being broken, or their cell phone being outdated, or the weeds in their lawn, or the sales clerk messing up their purchase, or the parking lot being crowded...I will seriously burst a blood vessel.  But you know what?  If I do, I will PRAISE GOD that there are hospitals close by with doctors and nurses who have my well-being as a priority.  I will praise God for a car that gets me to the hospital.  I will praise God for shoes that I can wear to the hospital.  And if my aneurysm causes me to drop dead on the floor, then I'll praise God He took me home so I can STOP HEARING ALL THE WHINING!!!

I swear "Christian" America...you've turned into the Isrealites when they left Egypt.  God did all this totally amazing stuff for them, but all they can focus on is what they don't have.   I expect whining from people who haven't been rescued from the pit of hell.  But dear Christian, you KNOW what you've been delivered from.  You KNOW how much Christ loves you.  You KNOW His ways are Sovereign.  You SAY one thing but you ACT another.  And quite honestly, it makes me ill.

All I'm getting at is...how about instead of posting NEGATIVE, WHINY STATUS UPDATES, here's a new thought:   EDIFY.  Every time you post your status, just ask a simple question..."Does this EDIFY?"

DEFINITION OF 'EDIFY': Instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually.

I Thess 5:11 says, "Therefore encourage one another and build one another up,..."

Here's another thought.  The next time you are about to complain for all the world to see, think to yourself, "Would they feel the same way about this in Africa?"  Cuz you know what??...I'm thinking the waitress you just yelled at b/c they brought you the wrong cheeseburger would be a completely different outcome if you ever went to a 3rd world country.  You just might walk away telling her how grateful you are for her hard work in doing her best to take care of you.

Just sayin'.

Which makes me wonder?  Can any of us go 7 days without complaining? 4 days? 2?  I really wonder how many Americans could even go 1 DAY without complaining.  

And you know what I just realized?  I'm whining about whining. Great.  Just great.  Now look what you made me do.  sigh.  Thanks a LOT, America.

Ephesians 4:29 

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

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