Monday, March 14, 2011

There's a Fire in the Oven!

Some days just don't go as planned.  Period.  Let me explain.

Saturday my mom and I spoke at the women's breakfast at our church in Lees Summit.  All week long I had been praying and preparing my heart.  I had genuinely asked God to show me what to "highlight".  

Friday, the day before, Jim was supposed to get home around 1pm.  I envisioned playing w/ my kids that morning, putting them both down for a nap and once Jim was home, shutting myself in my bedroom and spending much needed time alone w/ the Lord.  I saw myself kneeling beside my bed, enjoying our talk, quiet, peaceful.  I was counting on this time to go over my notes, organize my thoughts, etc.

I don't think Satan had the same thing in mind for me...

I woke up w/ a horrible migraine at 5am.  My sweet little Sam is having a terrible time w/ 2 teeth that could poke through his gums any day now, leaving him irritable and hard to deal with.  Charlee woke up and had leaked potty all over everything in her bed.  So I took everything off and threw it in the wash.  I turned on the TV to catch some of the news and was extremely horrified to hear of the happenings in Japan.  My heart was very heavy and I was reminded that my problems here are NOTHING compared to all over the world.  I kept reminding myself of that when Jim called around 1 and wasn't anywhere close to getting home yet.  I got Charlee to go down for her afternoon nap just as Sam was waking up from his.  When Charlee woke up around 4pm she had leaked AGAIN...

Regardless, I managed to make 3 lasagna's (for some sweet friends who deserved it!) and doubled a batch of chocolate chip cookies.  Dishes and food covered my kitchen counter when Jim walked in the door at 5pm.  Both kids were screaming, the house smelled like something burning and Jim yells, "There's a fire in the oven!"  The fire alarms went off, the kids were completely freaking out, smoke everywhere, my head felt like it could literally burst between my ears and I looked at screaming at the top of their lungs...and I LAUGHED MY HEAD OFF!!!  My smile had a chain reaction because Jim joined in laughing with me and said, "You and me, kid, livin' life together."  To which I responded by saying, "And there is no one I'd rather do it with!" (and then we did our secret family fist pound)

I have had God whispering John 16:33 in my head many times the last week. 

"I've told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I've conquered the world."

God tells us that we WILL experience "difficulties".  Fill in the blank...In this godless world you WILL continue to experience _____________ divorce/poverty/disease/a wayward child/an unsaved spouse/death...But here's the good news...CHRIST HAS OVERCOME IT ALL.  You and my trouble's are washed under the blood of Jesus.  We can TRUST to be under His protection from now until the dawning of eternity!  Isn't this just so wonderful to think on today? Now, I am only human and can't help but question "WHY???" when I see tsunami's, abandoned children in Ghana, earthquakes in New Zealand, etc...Why oh why, God? I thank the Lord that He is not threatened by my questions.  He is LOVE, and LOVE IS PATIENT.  And the simple answer to these things is SIN.  But when I'm sitting w/ a room full of Ghanaian women who are singing even though they've lost EVERYTHING that matters, my heart cannot accept that answer.  But I read something on my way home from Ghana that has stuck w/ me.  "Faith is ACCEPTING THE MYSTERY OF HARDSHIPS, MISTREATMENT, AND MISFORTUNE."  I may not understand, but I know Gods Word is absolute and truth.  His Word tells me that He holds us in the palm of His hands.  His Word tells me that He will provide.  His Word tells me that His ways are higher than my ways.  His Word tells me that He desires ALL to come to repentence.  And today I cannot help but meditate on Ps 22:24:

Psalm 22:24
For he has not despised or disdained the suffering of the afflicted one;he has not hidden his face from him but has listened to his cry for help.

This is my prayer for Japan today.  This is my prayer for the Gambaga women today.  This is my prayer for 17 children in an orphanage today.  This is my prayer FOR MYSELF today.  Although my problems are NOTHING compared to those around the world, they are, nonetheless, problems.  And God cares about even the smallest of things like a chocolate chip cookie that has caught fire in my oven.  Like the medical bill that came in the mail today that we're not sure how we'll pay.  Like the favorite toy that Charlee lost and has asked Jesus to help her find it.

I will choose to praise even if...

My cup overflows.

1 comment:

  1. Amen. That lasagna and those cookies taste even better, knowing what what tribulation they had to travel through to get into my hands! Thank you so much for sharing your love and life with us on Saturday, especially with so much resistance. We're swimming upstream, but guess what? He makes our feet like deer's feet, able to bound up to the heights...
