Monday, May 16, 2011

Blanket Tents Make my Cup Runneth Over

There is something magical about blanket-made tents when you are a kid.  I had forgotten how fun it was until I became a momma.  What can be more fun than taking every pillow in the house and piling them up? Finding the largest blanket? Digging around Daddy's stuff for the flashlight? Inviting your favorite stuffed animals to join in the fun? And last but not least, screeching, "NO BOYS ALLOWED IN HERE!" in between giggles? I've done a lot of cool stuff in my lifetime, but sitting under that blanket, flashlight in tow, and a bright-eyed girl who makes my world go round I thought to myself, "There is no other place I'd rather be than right here, right now." Yep, there's no doubt about it, my cup runneth over.

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